Please join the ART Bay Area Regional Working Group Meeting on Wednesday, June 19th in Oakland from 1pm-5pm.** We will be holding this meeting until 5pm and inviting members to join us for a Networking Happy Hour in Oakland following the meeting!
This is the eleventh of twelve RWG meetings that will take place for the ART Bay Area project. During the last meeting, we shared issue statements for Focus Areas/Areas of Impact and provided the working group with an opportunity to review and ensure the issue statements captured the main functions and vulnerabilities identified throughout the project.
Now, we are excited to share a regional perspective on key planning issues, as well as initial lists of adaptation strategies.
- Share Regional Planning Issues – the key themes that emerged from the issue statements across the region;
- Provide a broad list of adaptation strategies that could help us in addressing the key issues and vulnerabilities identified in Focus Area/Areas of impact; and
- Work with the regional working group members to refine our evaluation criteria, which will help us narrow down the initial list of strategies into more practical and achievable actions.
RSVP: Here
If you missed the first RWG meetings and need to catch up on the project, please take a look at presentations and materials from the first meetings (the notes and draft materials are posted to the password protected section of the site, please contact Jaclyn Mandoske for the password).