Stronger Housing, Safer Communities

Developing strategies to build community resilience to seismic and flooding risks

Keeping residents in their homes post-disaster helps communities stay intact and ensure that all residents, including those that lack resources, can participate in recovery.

Photo credit: FEMA

To better understand the challenges Bay Area housing and communities face from earthquakes and flooding, the ART Program and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Resilience Program initiated the Stronger Housing, Safer Communities project.

The project engaged local stakeholders and topical experts to identify the housing and communities that are particularly vulnerable, and to develop locally relevant strategies to address the specific vulnerabilities and consequences identified.

Outcomes of the Stronger Housing, Safer Communities project included:

smartgrowthamerica_org_east oakland housing

Photo credit: Smart Growth America

  • A better understanding of the characteristics of San Francisco Bay Area housing and communities that increase vulnerability to earthquakes and current and future flooding.
  • An evaluation of housing and community vulnerability at regional and community scales.
  • Strategies that reduce these vulnerabilities to help the region meet its resilience, sustainability, prosperity, and equity goals.


Project Status

The project was initiated in Fall 2013 and completed in Spring 2015.

Findings and Materials

Stronger Housing, Safer Communities Summary pdf_icon and Technical Report pdf_icon
Strategies Manual for Local Governments pdf_icon
ABAG Resilience Program website for Stronger Housing, Safer Communities

Related Projects

2016 Local Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plans
Local Policy Implementation Assistance

Project Partners

The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Resilience Program and San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission led the project. It was funded by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Earthquake Hazards Program External Research Support program, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Smart Growth Implementation Assistance program, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the California Strategic Growth Council.

For more information:

  • Dana Brechwald
  • 415-352-3656