Regional Working Group #12
September 17, 2019
Metro Center, San Francisco
- Shared regional adaptation strategies for the 7 Regional Key Planning Issues and allow for interactive feedback through a poster session open house; and
- Introduced local adaptation materials to support our expanded Plan Step guidance through the Adaptation Catalog and provide an update on the process of applying the adaptation guidance in two locations
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #11
June 19, 2019
Oakland State Building, Oakland
- Shared Regional Planning Issues that emerged from our issue statements across the region;
- Introduced our thinking and approach to adaptation planning through a presentation and engagement exercise; and
- Reviewed and refine evaluation criteria that helps us understand different impacts of adaptation responses.
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #10
May 8, 2019
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose
In January and February 2019 we completed three subregional working group meetings in the South Bay/Peninsula, North Bay and East Bay and shared draft results of our vulnerability assessments. We are now shifting our project to regional adaptation planning. Below is a quick recap of what was covered at the meeting on Wednesday:
Shared Issue Statements for each OLU to communicates key issues that emerged from assessment results and through feedback from our regional working group members at the subregional meeting series;
- Re-visited the resilience goals that were developed by the regional working group at the beginning of the ART Bay Area project; and
- Provided an update on the Regional Sea Level Rise Assessment Framework outputs and ongoing process with our consultants at AECOM.
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #9
February 26, 2019
BART Building, Oakland
During this meeting, we reviewed draft results of the vulnerability and consequence assessments for four Operational Landscape Units (OLU) assessed in the ART Bay Area project in the East Bay, including: Pinole, Wildcat, East Bay Crescent, and San Leandro. The groups insight during the breakout sessions helped us identify important issues as we worked together to discuss emerging storylines and key issues.
Below is a quick recap of what was covered at the meeting on Tuesday:
- Introduction to the “Define” step of the project, where we work together to synthesize the results of the vulnerability and consequence assessments to develop key issue statements;
- Review of the types of vulnerability and consequence statements used in the ART Program, introduction to shared vulnerabilities and consequences, and a walk-through of the structure and format of the OLU Profile sheets, including the selection of OLUs for ART Bay Area and identification of focus areas and areas of impact; and
- Broke out into small groups to identify key vulnerabilities, consequences and emerging storylines within focus areas of the OLUs and began to draft key issue statements.
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #8
February 5, 2019
North Vallejo Community Center, Vallejo
During this meeting, we reviewed draft results of the vulnerability and consequence assessments for four Operational Landscape Units (OLU) assessed in the ART Bay Area project in the North Bay, including: Richardson, San Rafael, Napa-Sonoma, and Suisun Slough. The groups insight during the breakout sessions helped us identify important issues as we worked together to discuss emerging storylines and key issues.
Below is a quick recap of what was covered at the meeting on Tuesday:
- Introduction to the “Define” step of the project, where we work together to synthesize the results of the vulnerability and consequence assessments to develop key issue statements;
- Review of the types of vulnerability and consequence statements used in the ART Program, introduction to shared vulnerabilities and consequences, and a walk-through of the structure and format of the OLU Profile sheets, including the selection of OLUs for ART Bay Area and identification of focus areas and areas of impact; and
- Broke out into small groups to identify key vulnerabilities, consequences and emerging storylines within focus areas of the OLUs and began to draft key issue statements.
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #7
January 23, 2019
555 Marshall Avenue, Redwood City
The January 23rd meeting served as an opportunity to dive into the results of our shared vulnerability assessments for five Operational Landscape Units (OLUs) in the South Bay and Peninsula including San Francisco. OLUs are the planning units we are using to organize our work. In this meeting we introduced the structure and format of the shared vulnerability assessments by OLU Profile Sheets; worked in groups to discuss the shared vulnerability and consequences discovered through using this approach and worked together to draft key issue statements for the following OLUs:
- Santa Clara Valley
- San Francisquito
- Belmont-Redwood
- Yosemite-Visitacion
- Mission-Islais
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #6
November 27, 2018
Port of San Francisco, Pier 1, Bayview
- Learn about the ongoing development of the Regional Sea Level Rise Assessment Framework and preliminary indicators selected to inform regional vulnerability and consequence;
- Review the indicators selected and provide feedback on additional indicators to consider;
- Hear from the ART team with a snapshot of regional vulnerability results, including transportation, Priority Development Areas, and vulnerable communities; and
- Learn about the Natural Capital Project’s ecosystem services modeling results for Priority Conservation Areas and natural lands around the region.
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #5
September 25, 2018
At the September 25 meeting we:
- Received a presentation from the Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative about their public engagement efforts for the ART Bay Area Project;
- Heard a presentation from MTC/ABAG about the Horizon Initiative, a precursor to the Plan Bay Area effort, and how it relates to ART Bay Area; and
- Had a demonstration of BCDC’s new ART Bay Shoreline Flood Explorer online tool.
Meeting notes and presentations are available on the password protected working group site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #4
June 19, 2018
San Francisco Estuary Institute
4911 Central Ave, Richmond, CA
At the June 19th meeting we:
- Reviewed draft vulnerability assessment work, which builds off of RWG input;
- Learned about and discussed how ART Bay Area proposes to incorporate and leverage the San Francisco Estuary Institute’s Operational Landscape Unit (OLU) project;
- Heard results of the ecosystem service models that will be incorporated into our assessments of natural areas.
- Agenda
- Introductory Presentation
- A recording of the meeting is available for download here
- Engagement Exercises
Draft materials including: meeting notes, additional presentations, and other draft materials are available on the password protected site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group #3
February 14, 2018
Novato City Hall
901 Sherman Ave., Novato, CA
This meeting focused on: 1) reviewing amended resilience goals; 2) sharing preliminary asset-level and system-level assessment findings; 3) discussing proposed methods for selecting assets for assessment; and 3) introducing the project public outreach activities.
- Agenda
- Presentation
- Presentation recording is available for download here
Draft materials including: meeting notes, draft resilience goals, draft vulnerability assessment questions, and other draft materials are available on the password protected site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group Meeting #2
November 8, 2017
San Mateo County Transit District, SamTrans Auditorium
1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, CA
This meeting focused on: 1) obtaining feedback on draft project resilience goals; 2) introducing the ART sea level rise maps; and 3) learning more about the assessment approach.
Draft materials including: meeting notes, draft resilience goals, and resilience goals feedback survey are available on the password protected site: here (if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)
Regional Working Group Meeting #1
September 21 and 29, 2017
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale St, San Francisco, Ca

- Agenda
- Meeting Presentation
- Posters
- Project Sea Level Rise Map
- FEMA Floodzones Map
- ART Sea Level Rise Maps
We’re forming a Communications Subcommittee to assist the Project Management Team with refining the public participation plan and communication approach and identifying community groups to engage. If you are interested in joining, please sign up here:
ART Bay Area Regional Working Group Page (password protected – if you need access please contact Jaclyn Mandoske)