Alameda County ART Project

Collaborative adaptation planning to address sea level rise and storm event impacts along the Alameda County shoreline.


Credit: Javier Del Castillo, BCDC

Working with agencies and organizations from Emeryville to Union City, the ART Program assessed the vulnerability and risk of shoreline and community resources to sea level rise and storm events. The project led to strategies to help communicate and resolve these complex issues, as well as processes to integrate adaptation into local and regional planning and decision-making.

The assessment findings, adaptation responses and planning partnerships developed through the ART Alameda County Project jump-started new collaborative assessment and adaptation planning efforts within and outside the project area: the Hayward Shoreline and Oakland/Alameda Resilience Studies, the Bay Area Transportation Climate Resilience focus area planning efforts, the Capitol Corridor Passenger Rail vulnerability assessment, and the East Bay Regional Park District planning effort.


Map of the ART Subregional Project area.

Project Status

The ART Alameda County Project ran from January 2011 – October 2013. Materials were completed in January 2014, and ART staff continued to work with asset managers within the project area on more focused assessment and adaptation planning.

Findings and Materials

Reports that summarize the key findings of the project are linked below. The ART Program also developed in-depth analyses and findings for sectors and issues.

Existing Conditions and Stressors Report pdf_icon
Vulnerability and Risk Report pdf_icon (13MB)
Synthesizing Vulnerability and Risk: The Define Step pdf_icon
Developing an Adaptation Response: The Plan Step pdf_icon
ART Subregional Adaptation Responses pdf_icon

Alameda County Technical Report: Shoreline and Inundation Mapbook (50MB) pdf_icon

Project Partners

The ART Alameda County Project was conducted by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) ART Program in partnership with NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management (NOAA OCM) West Coast Regional Office.

Funding was provided by NOAA OCM, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability provided technical support and planning guidance.

For more information:

  • Jaclyn Mandoske
  • 415-352-3631